Author Topic: Brexit and the scare mongers  (Read 27055 times)


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Re: Brexit and the scare mongers
« Reply #60 on: March 06, 2018, 01:20:06 PM »
How come someone calling some else a "remoaner" isn't a Hate Crime? Every other derogatory term seems to be these days!


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Re: Brexit and the scare mongers
« Reply #61 on: March 06, 2018, 01:36:21 PM »
Cause I love Paul, really.


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Re: Brexit and the scare mongers
« Reply #62 on: March 06, 2018, 02:19:44 PM »
It is as well for people to remember that the status Quo has never been an option with the EU,  had we stayed in our armed forces would have soon been under the control of Brussels,  we would have had to join the Euro, there was to be a EU wide tax system introduced and we would probably been forced into schengen area.  The EU mindset has always been 'whatever the question the answer is always tighter political union, more centralisation and micro-managment'.  Republic of Ireland has been successful with its low tax economy and attracted inward investment because UK was there to fight its corner,  without us they will be bullied mercilessly (in the same way they are being pressurised by EU on the border question).
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Re: Brexit and the scare mongers
« Reply #63 on: March 06, 2018, 03:10:42 PM »
I sincerely hope I have remembered this fairly correctly.
BMW produce the Mini in the UK.  BUT on TV a couple of days ago and here I hope I am correct, the Mini is part assembled in UK, then taken to France for 'interior'. Returned to UK and then off to Germany for the engine to be fitted. Back to the Uk no doubt to be exported.

If I have got his correct, isn't about time this lunacy was stopped, how much in cost is added to the final product? for the idiots to cough up at the dealership.
If the Europeans want to pay these stupid games, then whatever Blighty decides to do, so long as it is to stop the European gravy train then it must only be a good thing.
It does seem most are of this opinion and I agree with the sentiment of lets tell the Continent to take a hike and we will get on with the rest of the World.
Europe has NEVER been a friend of the UK so lets grab the chance and let them drown in their own idiocy.

Err no...The Mini Hatch/Hardtop, Clubman, Coupe and Roadster are assembled at BMW's Plant Oxford in Cowley, England[8]. The Mini Convertible and Countryman are assembled at VDL Nedcar in Born (Netherlands), the Mini Hatch/Hardtop is also assembled here besides the Oxford plant.[9]


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Re: Brexit and the scare mongers
« Reply #64 on: March 06, 2018, 04:10:35 PM »
I sincerely hope I have remembered this fairly correctly.
BMW produce the Mini in the UK.  BUT on TV a couple of days ago and here I hope I am correct, the Mini is part assembled in UK, then taken to France for 'interior'. Returned to UK and then off to Germany for the engine to be fitted. Back to the Uk no doubt to be exported.

If I have got his correct, isn't about time this lunacy was stopped, how much in cost is added to the final product? for the idiots to cough up at the dealership.
If the Europeans want to pay these stupid games, then whatever Blighty decides to do, so long as it is to stop the European gravy train then it must only be a good thing.
It does seem most are of this opinion and I agree with the sentiment of lets tell the Continent to take a hike and we will get on with the rest of the World.
Europe has NEVER been a friend of the UK so lets grab the chance and let them drown in their own idiocy.

Err no...The Mini Hatch/Hardtop, Clubman, Coupe and Roadster are assembled at BMW's Plant Oxford in Cowley, England[8]. The Mini Convertible and Countryman are assembled at VDL Nedcar in Born (Netherlands), the Mini Hatch/Hardtop is also assembled here besides the Oxford plant.[9]

Pretty much every BMW 4 cylinder engine is built in Hams Hall , Birmingham. Also the trick 3 cylinder for the i8 made there.
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Re: Brexit and the scare mongers
« Reply #65 on: March 07, 2018, 09:09:43 AM »
To be fair - Ted Heath (Heath the teeth) did get a nice 'with compliment' slip from the EEC (European Economic Community) in the cabin of his brand new Yacht 'Morning Cloud' (widely rumoured at the time to be a gift from Europeans, for 'services rendered') - it simply said 'welcome the the Hotel CalifornEU,  you can check out any time ' (lyrics courtesy of  The Eagles).

the last three verses and last  two lines just about cover it.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2018, 09:53:21 AM by culzean »
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Re: Brexit and the scare mongers
« Reply #66 on: March 07, 2018, 11:38:39 AM »
I apologise for my mis inform about the Mini. Where I got it I know not.
BUT this am looking in the cupboard for a photograph ( before I get queries, photos are in albums in the cupboard) I came a cross  a booklet published in 2004. It was information about the EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY. So we have been in this club since 1975 and it's within the last 14 yrs it has changed to this European super power.
I believe poor old Ted Heath had to stump up many thousands of pounds to avoid being in trouble about his gift.
It seems this nice Mr Krust!!!! has threatened us yet again, we will have to PAY to leave.


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Re: Brexit and the scare mongers
« Reply #67 on: March 07, 2018, 12:26:19 PM »
No apologies necessary auntyneddy as Teresa May was quoting Mini cross channel trips only last week. 
It's just a little bit more specific - i.e. a crankshaft forged in France is machined in Hams Hall, then built into a diesel engine in Frankfurt before getting married to the vehicle in Cowley then possibly exported for sale across the channel.


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Re: Brexit and the scare mongers
« Reply #68 on: March 07, 2018, 01:26:34 PM »


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Re: Brexit and the scare mongers
« Reply #69 on: March 07, 2018, 07:31:52 PM »
For me, it is really simple. I was quite disatisfied with my last car, so if a referendum asked a simple question - 'Do you want to change your car - yes or no?' then my answer was, Yes.

But then that begs the obvious part 2 - 'What car would you like next?'

It seems to me we are not being asked Q2, it is being answered for us by a bunch of political animals with questionable motives, and when they decide what it is to be, I won't be given an alternative.

What a stupid way to run a country. And all because of a political muddle.

It seems to me we should have researched properly leaving vs remaining, then a broad description of the two possible outcomes could have been given. Then we vote for one or the other.

How much did Putin pay Cameron to agree to a referendum and pose such a basic question?

I agree with the first part but a lot of the voters didn't even think about what car they would get, they just believed it when two people with kept telling them they would be financially better off after getting it.


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Re: Brexit and the scare mongers
« Reply #70 on: March 07, 2018, 08:56:04 PM »
For me, it is really simple. I was quite disatisfied with my last car, so if a referendum asked a simple question - 'Do you want to change your car - yes or no?' then my answer was, Yes.

But then that begs the obvious part 2 - 'What car would you like next?'

It seems to me we are not being asked Q2, it is being answered for us by a bunch of political animals with questionable motives, and when they decide what it is to be, I won't be given an alternative.

What a stupid way to run a country. And all because of a political muddle.

It seems to me we should have researched properly leaving vs remaining, then a broad description of the two possible outcomes could have been given. Then we vote for one or the other.

How much did Putin pay Cameron to agree to a referendum and pose such a basic question?

I agree with the first part but a lot of the voters didn't even think about what car they would get, they just believed it when two people with kept telling them they would be financially better off after getting it.

Remainers are very quick to question the education level of people who voted leave,  but the truth is the longer people spend in our lefty / liberal biased  education system the more brainwashed they get.  The fact is that as a country we voted leave,  it is no good saying, but people did not realise we would have to leave the single market, that we would leave the customs union, because of course they did.  Try telling South African black people they did not want freedom,  they are a lot worse off financially ( 50%+ unemployment) and in pretty much every way (especially in Zimbabwe  / formerly Rhodesia under Mugabe and his successor ) but they have their freedom.  Not everything comes down to money,  some things are too precious to put a price on, and taking back control of our laws from the micro-managing customs cartel that puts up tariff barriers against free trade is one of them.  Trump is going to sort the EU unfair trade out pretty soon,  and then their share of world trade will will sink even further - the EU is fast becoming irrelevant in the world,  a failed 1950's project in political ideology,  they go the same way as the USSR.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2018, 09:00:03 PM by culzean »
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Re: Brexit and the scare mongers
« Reply #71 on: March 07, 2018, 10:12:03 PM »
To be fair - Ted Heath (Heath the teeth) did get a nice 'with compliment' slip from the EEC (European Economic Community) in the cabin of his brand new Yacht 'Morning Cloud' (widely rumoured at the time to be a gift from Europeans, for 'services rendered') - it simply said 'welcome the the Hotel CalifornEU,  you can check out any time ' (lyrics courtesy of  The Eagles).

the last three verses and last  two lines just about cover it.

Yes. Very appropriate.


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Re: Brexit and the scare mongers
« Reply #72 on: March 07, 2018, 10:48:27 PM »
For me, it is really simple. I was quite disatisfied with my last car, so if a referendum asked a simple question - 'Do you want to change your car - yes or no?' then my answer was, Yes.

But then that begs the obvious part 2 - 'What car would you like next?'

It seems to me we are not being asked Q2, it is being answered for us by a bunch of political animals with questionable motives, and when they decide what it is to be, I won't be given an alternative.

What a stupid way to run a country. And all because of a political muddle.

It seems to me we should have researched properly leaving vs remaining, then a broad description of the two possible outcomes could have been given. Then we vote for one or the other.

How much did Putin pay Cameron to agree to a referendum and pose such a basic question?

I agree with the first part but a lot of the voters didn't even think about what car they would get, they just believed it when two people with kept telling them they would be financially better off after getting it.

Remainers are very quick to question the education level of people who voted leave,  but the truth is the longer people spend in our lefty / liberal biased  education system the more brainwashed they get.  The fact is that as a country we voted leave,  it is no good saying, but people did not realise we would have to leave the single market, that we would leave the customs union, because of course they did.  Try telling South African black people they did not want freedom,  they are a lot worse off financially ( 50%+ unemployment) and in pretty much every way (especially in Zimbabwe  / formerly Rhodesia under Mugabe and his successor ) but they have their freedom.  Not everything comes down to money,  some things are too precious to put a price on, and taking back control of our laws from the micro-managing customs cartel that puts up tariff barriers against free trade is one of them.  Trump is going to sort the EU unfair trade out pretty soon,  and then their share of world trade will will sink even further - the EU is fast becoming irrelevant in the world,  a failed 1950's project in political ideology,  they go the same way as the USSR.

I know of a psychologist who conducted a series of experiments with chickens. It seems he felt lab rats had been done to death.  It was a simple experiment on a chicken farm. I will skip the details. In short, they opened the cages of battery hens and gave them the chance to become free range hens. Trouble is, they were terrified. The grass certainly looked greener on the other side but it was all a bit risky. They tried everything to entice them out. The only way they could remove them was by dragging them from their cages, but such was the conditioning of these wretched creatures, that they fought desperately to get back to the safety of their incarceration. Never underestimate 'Battery Hen Syndrome'. Plenty of it about.


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Re: Brexit and the scare mongers
« Reply #73 on: March 08, 2018, 08:03:32 AM »
I know of a psychologist who conducted a series of experiments with chickens. It seems he felt lab rats had been done to death.  It was a simple experiment on a chicken farm. I will skip the details. In short, they opened the cages of battery hens and gave them the chance to become free range hens. Trouble is, they were terrified. The grass certainly looked greener on the other side but it was all a bit risky. They tried everything to entice them out. The only way they could remove them was by dragging them from their cages, but such was the conditioning of these wretched creatures, that they fought desperately to get back to the safety of their incarceration. Never underestimate 'Battery Hen Syndrome'. Plenty of it about.

Good point,  but a lot of the older chickens in UK could remember a life before they were incarcerated - some of the millennial chickens and younger had never known any other system and obviously thought it was normal,  probably because they were allowed to move freely to other battery cages on the continent.

Talking about chickens,  the attached PDF creased me.

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Re: Brexit and the scare mongers
« Reply #74 on: March 08, 2018, 08:24:59 AM »
As a long time SNP voter and someone who voted Yes to independence the SNP stance on Brexit has enraged me. I will no longer vote SNP. In fact, my intention is to vote for the party which will give us the "hardest" Brexit (so currently Tory whom I have never voted for in my life).
The SNP slogan used to be "Lend us your vote", but a wee taste of power has changed that. In any future Independence Referendum I will still vote Yes, but then do my utmost to see the SNP are ousted in Scotland. Mind you, by the time that comes about Brexit will be long done and dusted.


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