Author Topic: Re reviews  (Read 1777 times)


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Re reviews
« on: September 03, 2012, 12:22:41 AM »
I was going to reply to the 2009 onwards jazz reviews then I saw it was locked
ThomP mentioned changing from a 2.0litre Scenic - which was also what I did.
Very different animals! - but with some good points in common - most importantly
how much space inside for such a small footprint on the road.
Obviously the Jazz is a much more economical car so no point in telling you all about
what I achieved in the Scenic - suffice it to say I developed a knack of getting the best
economy when I needed to....
So - the Jazz is quite different! a fairly small - but economical engine with quite different
power and torque charactersitics - coupled with the Variable Valve timing - means I needed to
re learn a little how best to drive it !
For those with very new ones or cars that have not been driven much - it improves with use!
Mine is getting more low down pull with every 1K miles I clock up.
I read that the way to drive, to get it to pick up best, is to use the throttle and drive it up to
2500 - 3000 rpm - obviously above that you will start to use more fuel - but it likes the occasional burst of revs
round town in the Summer I am getting 39 - 40mpg doing short journeys - this will drop a little in the winter
and also if I am stuck in traffic jams.
I have had over 60MPG on a run - but you can def. expect over 50mpg unless you are seriously speeding.
Be ready to change down - it won't speed away if you pull out in a higher gear below 2000 rpm.
But quick use of the throttle and take it up to just below 3000rpm and then change will whisk you along briskly.
For faster acceleration you have to resort to the power end of the rev range and then it is not so slow!
No it isn't a sports car - but it is quick enough if driven right.
Well I have talked all about the engine and not about the rest - but I will leave it there for now.


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