Author Topic: Power mirrors 9 wire vs 7 wire system on GD3 manual Jazz?!?  (Read 1989 times)


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Power mirrors 9 wire vs 7 wire system on GD3 manual Jazz?!?
« on: October 28, 2018, 04:34:22 AM »
So I had a CVT 2007 Jazz a few years ago. It was a relatively expensive, beautiful car - but I hated the WHIRRRR of the transmission, reminded me of riding a snowmobile or a really cheap moped. So yesterday I came across same kind of car with a manual transmission - absolutely filthy dirty, not properly maintained and one broken mirror literally jammed onto two pieces of twig to keep it from flapping on the end of its wires. It was cheap and love at first sight.

It has some other issues, but fixing the mirror had to be step one. Couldn't find just the right thing at local wreckers, so I got a new aftermarket one (unpainted, matt black plastic) from a place that warned me it was a 9 wire system, not 7 wire like the broken (Australian model) original. As seven of the wires were colour coded and placed identically I bought it thinking the extra two (grey) wires would simply be redundant. Probably for a demisting heater, useful in my native Canada but pointless here in sunny Queensland!!!

However having installed it, operating the (R) dashboard switch UP/DOWN makes this mirror go LEFT/RIGHT  and operating the switch LEFT/RIGHT makes the signal light go on WTF? If I manually fold both mirrors in, turning on the ignition makes them both pop out automatically so that's a step in the right direction. So I could take it to bits, cut all the wires and solder them so as to sort it out, but I bet someone on this forum has come across this and can tell me what the secret is.

Of course, too late I looked on eBay and saw for the same $150 I could probably have got a perfectly good used one mailed to me. But I needed a safety certificate so was in a hurry to make it at least look original. Any suggestions gratefully accepted.

PS. No suggestions yet so I'm going to make up a chart of how each mirror operates to plan the possible cross-wiring solution (if this helps someone else so much the better):

                          Original (Australian spec') mirror
Wire Combination Polarity          Observed Function

blue                        -
yellow                     +                      right
brown                     +                      down

blue                        +
yellow                     -                        left
brown                     -                         up

purple                    +                    light on (polarity sensitive)
pink                        -

black                       -                      fold inwards
white                      +

black                       +                     fold outwards
white                       -

                          Aftermarket mirror
Wire Combination Polarity          Observed Function

purple                     -
yellow                     +                      up
brown                     +                      left

purple                     +
yellow                     -                        down
brown                     -                         right

blue                       +                    light on (polarity sensitive)
pink                        -

So just crossing the purple and blue wires made the light work :)
Now switch UP/DOWN moves mirror LEFT/RIGHT and vice versa I can't see an easy way to correct this :(
Also for some reason the new mirror only folds out when I first start the car (and have the push button in the correct position) so passable, but not ideal. Grey (heater) wires unused and black/white unchanged.


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