I can see the video fine but not sure I would go to that extent to clean my Jazz, it will get rained and birdied on all to soon
my best anti swirl technique is the one I have used for many years - don't clean the car very often (about once a year - whether it needs it or not ).
You might not get swirls, but without cleaning for such a long time you do get bird poop damage, and remains of insects, tree sap, tar splashes and traffic film on the paint are more difficult to remove. Regular washing also makes sure you notice any paint damage in time.
Swirls you can remove or hide (fill), damage from not washing regular are more severe and can be difficult and expensive to repair: Bird poop is acid, etches into the paint and the longer it remains, the greater the damage. Small scratches and stone chips that go through the color coat into the primer or down to the metal are going to rust when you don't notice them in time.
Protecting a clean paint with a wax, sealant, or other and maintain that protection will not only look great, but also keeps the paint in good condition and regular washing is much easier on a waxed car. Do also the wheels in a sealant and they never need an aggressive wheel cleaner anymore.

I do have a snow foam lance and HP washer, but not use it every wash. Once every other week, depending how dirty, i hose off the car to loosen and soften the dirt and then clean it with 2 buckets (a 3rd for the wheels), a wash pad (microfiber madness incredipad) and another wash mitt for the lower parts. I use a wax-safe car shampoo (carpro or DDJ) and after rinsing with the hose i dry the car with a carpro fat boa towel. A spotless clean (and swirl free) Jazz in a little more than 30 minutes!