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Honda Jazz Mk4 2020 - / Re: USB Sequencing
« Last post by Nicksey on February 06, 2025, 09:21:23 PM »
Random, and I get maybe 50 tracks cycled out of the 700+ on the stick  ::)

May I ask how you have organized the tracks on the stick?
Are they all in one folder?

Yes. Nothing else on the stick, just one file containing 749 tracks. They are arranged alphabetically, as thats how the Brennan/file/stick sorts them.
Forum Rules & Announcements / Forum changes
« Last post by RichardA on February 06, 2025, 08:31:40 PM »
I've made some changes to the layout of the forums in the forum index to make it easier to navigate:

- Due to a number of Mk4-specific posts being made in the Mk2/Insight/CRZ Hybrid forum, this forum has now been made a sub-forum of the Mk2 forums. All CRZ and Insight content has been moved to the Other Hondas forum.

- The Mk1/2/3 FAQ sub-forums have been removed with all content moved to the main forums.
Honda Jazz Mk4 2020 - / Re: Keeyless Question
« Last post by Mr Onion on February 06, 2025, 07:09:28 PM »
It did 'beep' and the icon appeared but I had no idea what it was all about. I was more concerned about not being hit by the idiot behind
Honda Jazz Mk3 2015-2020 / Re: 100,000 mile report on my Mk 3 Jazz
« Last post by TD5 on February 06, 2025, 06:55:57 PM »
Brilliant, thanks for this  :D
Honda Jazz Mk4 2020 - / Re: Mk4 2021 Jazz Brake failure
« Last post by coldstart on February 06, 2025, 06:49:04 PM »
The thing that left me perplexed is that they told me to bring both car keys, because maybe they have to do a software update of the control unit and they don't know if they have to update the keys too.
I thought I had to replace a defective part of the car.
But as I said I took them by surprise with this recall, so in my opinion they still didn't have a clear idea of ​​what they had to do.
I will update you after the work is done.

Humour them :)  -  As they have never done this before their caution is imho both understandable and commendable!

The repair consists of "simply" exchanging the faulty brake feel simulator (of course including controls if the part is properly recognized by the car's central unit) plus additionally venting the brake system after the work is done.

My dealership told me it took them hours longer than the time Honda has officially allotted for the work as
a) the procedure was new to them and
b) the part is quite deeply buried in the car

Honda Jazz Mk4 2020 - / Re: Mk4 2021 Jazz Brake failure
« Last post by Wonder on February 06, 2025, 06:29:13 PM »
I spoke to the garage today (by phone), and made an appointment to do the work next week.
I was probably the first to call for this recall (it just came out in Italy) because they had to check,
they asked me for the license plate number and checked if I had done the services.
I will have to leave the car with them for a day.
The thing that left me perplexed is that they told me to bring both car keys, because maybe they have to do a software update of the control unit and they don't know if they have to update the keys too.
I thought I had to replace a defective part of the car.
But as I said I took them by surprise with this recall, so in my opinion they still didn't have a clear idea of ​​what they had to do.
I will update you after the work is done.
Honda Jazz Mk2 2008-2015 / Re: Exhaust Back Boxes
« Last post by olduser1 on February 06, 2025, 06:00:18 PM »
stick to stock OE Honda, why draw attention to your Jazz?
Honda Jazz Mk3 2015-2020 / Re: 100,000 mile report on my Mk 3 Jazz
« Last post by olduser1 on February 06, 2025, 05:56:24 PM »
Good summary of interest to Mk2 amd mk3 owners  - Cheers
Honda Jazz Mk4 2020 - / Re: Keeyless Question
« Last post by coldstart on February 06, 2025, 05:53:09 PM »
You can discover immediately that you don't have the key, the yellow symbol in the display (and acustic warning, if I remember right) will turn on just when the car stops recognizing the key inside the car. You can drive as long as you want, but always with the warning in the display.

I know this warning sound!

Could it be the warning is only triggered when the driver leaves the car?
So, if only Mrs Onion got out of the car (together with the key fob) no warning would have been displayed / sounded?

Honda Jazz Mk4 2020 - / Re: USB Sequencing
« Last post by coldstart on February 06, 2025, 05:40:35 PM »
Thank you @Kremmen for the clarification.

What I was getting at was to learn how @Nicksey had organized the 700+ tracks on his USB device.

I've seen this effect (random only playing a limited number of tracks) on a previous (VAG) car where the random function was thrown by large folders with many tracks.
Somehow like it could only read a limited number of entries at a time and randomizing only among these tracks.

However, this has never happened to me with the Jazz!
I have a 32 GB FAT formatted USB drive organized by Artist - Album (473 folders / 4782 tracks) and the Jazz is capable of randomizing them well enough.

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