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Honda Jazz Mk4 2020 - / Re: Anyone Had 12v Issues?
« Last post by 5thcivic on Today at 08:51:19 PM »
That sounds like a battery that can show 12v on a voltmeter which requires no current, and a smart charger, display likewise, but cannot supply several amps to fire up the electronics and displays without being charged with some power first.
I am slightly surprised by the 10V figure, but it is perfectly possible for a good battery as plenty to spare to regulate 5V supplies for the electronics and any step up regulators for displays etc.
Honda Jazz Mk4 2020 - / Re: Anyone Had 12v Issues?
« Last post by John Ratsey on Today at 06:08:56 PM »
The point is about the voltage needed to boot the regulators powering the microprocessors and thus enable the HV relays to be connected to and control the motor. If the car does start on 10V that is interesting information.
I find the 10V threshold implausible. I had an interesting experience with my HR-V after it had been standing for the better part of two months. The car unlocked as usual, the power button worked but the dashboard then filled with warning symbols and error messages telling me that numerous features weren't working. The screen in the middle of the dashboard didn't power up and I concluded that there wasn't enough life in the battery to close the contactor to connect the HV battery. There was no other indication that the 12V battery was low.

IIRC the 12V battery measured over 12V on my volt meter. I connected my smart charger which, after less than a minute claimed the battery was fully charged (which it obviously wasn't). Fortunately I had an old dumb charger which pushed some juice into the battery after which everything was OK and the vehicle started normally. It's possible that the 12V battery isn't in the best of health as two years ago it had a dose of the HR-V's flat battery problem (when a software bug randomly didn't power down everything when the doors were locked).
Honda Jazz Mk4 2020 - / Re: Jazz Hybrid Brake Problem
« Last post by Tombola on Today at 04:29:15 PM »
First problem, Have you enabled the adjustable speed limiter or active cruise control, Second problem, try driving off without manually releasing the parking brake, it should release automatically 
Honda Jazz Mk3 2015 - 2020 / Re: Tyre deflation false alarms
« Last post by Kremmen on Today at 04:18:13 PM »
I've always found that as all tyres seasonally inflate or deflate the TPMS does not trigger as the rotational comparison is the same
Honda Jazz Mk3 2015 - 2020 / Re: Tyre deflation false alarms
« Last post by Toptek on Today at 03:59:44 PM »
Had the misfortune of driving over broken wheel trim fragments beside the wheel trim yesterday . About 10 minutes into the trip the light came on, as we were out I could only do a visual check until today. It turns out all tyres were down to about 26 psi but looking fine.
I took it to the petrol station for a speedy resolution and it didn't take long per tyre to be up to pressure.
I have the diamond cut alloys and had a fast slow puncture on one wheel which was repaired last April (I think).
I'm going to pay more attention to this now. Similarly, I might purchase one of those battery operated inflators.
Honda Jazz Mk4 2020 - / Jazz Hybrid Brake Problem
« Last post by GLENJON on Today at 02:54:47 PM »
Hi All   Two problems I have one travelling at 40/50 mph the brakes put themselves on until you lift off the accelerator it clears then comes on after a short distance again and keeps on doing this until it clears . Second problem Parking Brake will not come off so cannot get the brakes off .Only way we have got them off is to drive the car a short distance with the brakes on not ideal and hope they come off sometimes yes sometime not. Both problems been with Honda dealers no fault found ???. any suggestions Thanks John
Honda Jazz Mk4 2020 - / Re: Anyone Had 12v Issues?
« Last post by 5thcivic on Today at 02:11:41 PM »
The point is about the voltage needed to boot the regulators powering the microprocessors and thus enable the HV relays to be connected to and control the motor. If the car does start on 10V that is interesting information.
New Members / Re: Hello Everyone
« Last post by Beanbag on Today at 01:31:56 PM »
Hello Melody , Welcome.  We have a 1.3 sport
Could it be coil packs, power supply to coil packs  or a plug lead from coil to plug?  Might be worth checking connections for any sign of being loose, or dirty/corroded terminals .  The obd reading might be able to show which particular plug is misfiring  which might speed up diagnosis  . But I dont know to what extent it can identify which particular component is causing it.

   But my knowledge of cars with an ECU  is limited.  Please dont replace expensive parts on my suggestion alone.
Honda Jazz Mk4 2020 - / Re: Mpg not very good.
« Last post by Lord Voltermore on Today at 11:21:00 AM »
aphybrid's graph shows the effects of the cold very graphically, with a low of about 45 mpg.  The effect of cold weather is particularly noticeable in Hybrids, and in the range of full EV's  but I think  conventional ICE cars  suffer too , but maybe less often carefully monitored by owners.  Everything is stacked against you. Not only a cold engine, the need for more lights, heating, demisting,  reduced battery efficiency  but also cold air is denser  increasing wind resistance.

Although I am very happy with the mpg of my mk4  my previous diesel cars (a Yaris and a corsa) could  get close   on a good day.  But I am so pleased with the relative silence, ease of driving and other advantages of the hybrid system and transmission,  that I would still favour it even if fuel consumption were higher.  Its a bonus that its not. (sorry if this is environmentally selfish  :-[ )  A few years ago I was attracted by the claimed mpg of some of the new 1 litre turbo petrol engines  ,stop start systems and 'mild' hybrids  .But many of them didnt fully deliver in 'real world' use. 

Incidentally, sorry to go off topic. I've mentioned in other posts that  a new high speed charging station near me has power problems and they have installed  extra storage batteries and a   diesel  generator the size of a shipping container.   Yesterday it was running at full pelt, with visible  heat haze and fumes, charging just two EV's.  I'm not a climate change denier. I really hope real progress is made.
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