Hi, apologies if this subject has already been covered here!
We have a 2012 Honda Jazz 1400cc bought in 2015. Initially it worked reasonably well. We input the 3 numbers we required. Yes, the system could be better at understanding speech but we persevered!
We hadn't used the in car phone for a long time and found the numbers had gone. Input them again only to find next time no telephone numbers. I tried again last week. Managed to input my mobile number but it just wouldn't have my husband's. It insisted a 6 was a zero. I speak very clearly with no accent. Just wouldn't take the number.
Anyone else had this problem with numbers disappearing and now won't recognise a 6?
Could be we need a new system. If so where do we go to get one installed and would it be massively expensive. We are retired on just a State Pension. Get the violins out!😀
Also wondered if the system could be affected by very hot weather? I just haven't a clue☹️