Funny you mention Android and wireless.
I've been monitoring since it happened with a view to posting later.
I've had very few problems with my Samsung S10 for over a year. The only issue is the occasional time it took over a minute to connect.
A couple of weeks ago however it came up with 'device incompatible'. I rebooted the phone and powered down and up the headunit. I got the same message but this time it took my phone off the headunit connected phones display leaving just the Connect a Phone option. I went into my phone and unpaired Honda HFT then went through the re-pair.
As soon as it paired it instantly fired up Android Auto and into Google Maps. Since then I've used the car about 10 times and the Android Auto wireless connection has been under ~15 secs.
I checked my phone and I did have a Android Auto update a few days before the issue, along with updates to Google Maps and Google itself.
The other thing I've noticed, but I may be dreaming, is that I'm sure, previously, when AA connected I had 2 of the AA chevrons in the phones top notification area. I now have 3 chevrons when connected.
I don't have telemetry activated so I can't see the headunit changing.