Honda Jazz Forums > Honda Jazz Mk3 2015 - 2020

MPG for those interested.

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Collected car mk3 SE 29.9.15.
10 miles on the clock 2131.
46.66 gallons used 1818 miles covered = overall 38.96 mpg.
All "around the town Autumn and Winter" driving, except one 197 mile trip to South Wales.
I drive carefully and try for best optimum.
Only slightly better than mk2 1.2 ltr. Which was about 34/35 comparing like for like.
I see a Mk2 go past and still admire the smooth lines whilst trying to get my Honda Connect to do what I want it to !!!

Edit by Admin: made topic a sticky topic.

I pick up my Jazz SE on the 23.12.15 and to date I have done 850 miles filled up today for the fourth time and the
        clocks tell me the average M P G is 48 which I think is not to bad , K L J

John Ratsey:
My Mk 3 is just over 2000 miles and averaging 56 mpg. However, a lot of the miles were accrued in September and October as longer trips in better weather. If I don't need to go anywhere during the winter months then I don't go. The computer strugges to report much over 40 mpg for shorter trips in winter and I know that it is optimistic.

Wait for some nice summer weather and the mpg will take an upwards leap plus, I hope, there will be a gradual improvement as the engine gets run on. The target for my Mk 3 is to equal the 58.8 mpg which my previous hybrid Jazz had averaged. However, if Honda are promising a 99g/km CO2 Civic with 1 litre 3 cylinder turbo engine then the same engine in the Mk 3 Jazz (if/when it appears as an option) could give significantly better mpg than our current engines.

John Ratsey:
Made a trip from Swindon to Somerset last Thursday. About 80 miles each way. I used the motorway (60 to 75 mph) for the outward trip, slight headwind and the computer said 60 mpg. I used the A361 for the return home (30 to 60 mph depending on traffic and speed limits) and the computer showed 66 mpg. Based on my previous observations I would deduct 5 mpg to get real values.

The only way to get meaningfull mpg figures is to measure the miles recorded between fill ups against the actual fuel put in as measured at the pump.

I find the computer readout on my Hubrid is generally optimistic by at least 4mpg


Dave C


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