Driving around there's no signal at all anywhere. Touched the icon and a system status screen appears, next to the signal icon is the message "Connected to TCU".
Why no signal?
Can't find anything in the manual on this.
Nothing describing the icons either
I had the message "Connected to TCU" although it was not connected. Or maybe it was partially connected, who knows.
Anyway, trying to run Messages application (see on the main screen, there is a tile called Messages) returned "Authorization failed" (or something similar). This was a sign that it was actually not connected, so the MyHonda+ doesn't know about the car and it doesn't even try to generate a pin.
After going to the dealer and asking for the TCU to be enabled, everything went smoothly: pin was generated, I received a message with the pin in the car, I read it, entered in the application and bingo, MyHonda+ was connected to my car.
Long story short, the "Connected to TCU" message is misleading.