Author Topic: Harsh suspension  (Read 1342 times)


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Harsh suspension
« on: October 12, 2016, 12:29:22 PM »
There has been some mention of the stiffness of the Mk 2 suspension. Normally there are only two in the car and although it did seem at times to be a little harsh I hadn't thought much about. We have for a few days done some trips with four adults in the car and I have noticed that rather than make the suspension a little 'softer' it seems to have made it harsher. Perhaps the roads we covered have deteriorated even more. Surely they can't get much worse.
Is there an answer?  perhaps changing the shock absorbers.

Just as an aside, a short distance away on an A road, there have been pot holes and the centre has a chasm about 4 inches wide along it for more than 3 years. A notice appeared that the road would have traffic control.  Hurrah we thought! We passed about 6 men all in yellow hard hats, waterproof overtrousers etc. When we came back some hours later there some markings in the road .  No holes filled zilch. Marks on the road around here mean nothing, they can be there for months. Best part was on TV Devon CC are going to spend 'x' 1000 's of pounds on new facilities for lectures etc to make it more comfortable for the staff. Rhubarb Rhubarb !!!!!!


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