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Honda Jazz Mk4 2020 - / Re: MPG for those interested
« Last post by Enfrance on Today at 01:49:04 PM »
 I’ve had my 2021 Jazz for just 24 hours and am very pleased with it but, the mpg being quoted on the dash is only 37.3 which isn’t as good as the 2019 Civic 1 litre I traded in. Despite its age it has only 915 miles on the clock so it must have sat in the drive of the disabled previous owner for long periods of time. I’m a complete novice to hybrid driving so any guidance would be very helpful.

So is there a golden rule for achieving decent mpg and what are the best settings on the car for doing so?

I fit the apparent demographic for the Jazz being 85 but thankfully quite fit. The heated steering wheel was a seller for me.

Honda Jazz Mk4 2020 - / Re: MPG for those interested
« Last post by aphybrid on Today at 10:51:38 AM »
Latest fill update, "winter" effect evident, also combined with 2 hours motorway running with speed set a 73mph. average overall dipping with these.
Honda Jazz Mk3 2015-2020 / Re: Car Insurance Renewal
« Last post by DAN@ADRIAN FLUX on February 14, 2025, 09:01:27 PM »
Have you tried ourselves for insurance at all?
Honda Jazz Mk4 2020 - / Re: Bad omen?
« Last post by ninanina on February 14, 2025, 05:21:23 PM »
I also purchased my Jazz for the long haul

I’m hoping it will be my last car purchase as long as it turns out to be as reliable as expected

So far it’s been 100% perfect and I’m extremely happy with it
Honda Jazz Mk4 2020 - / Re: Coolant Level
« Last post by ninanina on February 14, 2025, 05:13:32 PM »
I was a little concerned about my coolant level as it seemed so low down in the expansion tank and I initially couldn’t see the MIN & MAX markings

It makes a lot more sense now I know how low down in the tank the MIN & MAX lines are

Anywhere between MIN & MAX is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about

I only got it double checked by Honda as I have a long drive coming up next week

Honda Jazz Mk4 2020 - / Re: Coolant Level
« Last post by Lincolnshire Rambler on February 14, 2025, 04:32:31 PM »
In reply to LV my coolant level is halfway with a cold engine - i havent looked when hot !
Honda Jazz Mk4 2020 - / Re: Bad omen?
« Last post by Lincolnshire Rambler on February 14, 2025, 03:48:57 PM »
I would have bought a third nissan note, after drivng two for 14 years and 300,000 miles . Bothpetrol  1.4 16v manual 5 sp. Nissan just stopped uk NOTE sales as they made something else in sunderland . My intention was then to buy a mk 3 jazz , nearest size to my note and as reliable as its a honda .  When i discovered the newish MK 4 jazz i headed to learn more . After a test drive i was taken by its smooth powertrain and much quicker getaway than the NOTE had . The tech on the jazz is a planet away from NOTE / mk 3 land so a stepinto the future with honda . I hope to run the jazz for 10 years and 150,000 miles even after warrantry land disappears… i expect any failures on tbe mk4 will be documented, if they arise ! in our active forum. Honda have lots of hybrid history just as toyota do so im confident for lots of miles yet , accidents permitting!
Good workshop  practice probably is to remove the cylinder head for helicoiling or recutting the thread .
 This ensures no metal shavings and other debris drop into the combustion chamber during the process.   

But as you say this is quite a big job. In the past a dodge/bodge sometimes used on older cars  was to poke a piece of rag, heavily coated in grease  ,through the plug hole and into the combustion chamber.  With luck the grease captured  most, if not all , of any debris that fell in.   The rag was then carefully extracted ,bringing the  debris with it.   But I dont Know  if the Jazz  engine does have access problems that might prevent using thread repair tools in situ, or hamper successful insertion and removal of a greasy rag.   

The other problem is that a professional garage /mechanic may not be willing to do this bodge, which may not be 100% successful .It can leave  them vulnerable to criticism or liability  if anything goes wrong.   And you might not want to risk it yourself.   

A helicoil is the correct solution for the problem.  If someone can do it in situ then that is definitely the way forward.  As for the intake manifold I'm a little puzzled by this.  Its not in the way when removing the spark plug so I'm not convinced it needs to be removed, but I guess it depends on the size and shape of the helicoil tool, although a quick google shows they are not chunky.  However, its not a big job to remove the intake manifold, so if its necessary to remove it then fair enough.
Honda Jazz Mk4 2020 - / Re: Bad omen?
« Last post by Nicksey on February 14, 2025, 07:27:50 AM »
I made the point about longevity, for the simple fact the Jazz was purchased as my probable last car.
I bought it as just I turned 60, after changing cars every 3 or 4 years. I have never leased or had loaned finance on any car.
The Jazz is for the duration.
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