Author Topic: How to fully disable traction and stability control  (Read 2302 times)


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  • My Honda: 2019 GK5 Jazz 1.5 Dynamic 6MT
How to fully disable traction and stability control
« on: May 29, 2020, 11:12:15 AM »
I found this information from internet and verified this procedure fully disables VSA (both traction and stability control) in GK Jazz, unlike the VSA off button, which only reduces the effect.

1. Turn car on (you may or may not start the engine, both seems to work)
2. With parking brake disengaged, foot on brake, switch VSA OFF and ON
3. Take foot off brake, engage parking brake, switch VSA OFF and ON
4. With parking brake still engaged, foot on brake, switch VSA OFF and ON

Now the VSA light will light up and VSA OFF light starts blinking and keeps that way all the time indicating the VSA is FULLY OFF. In order to turn the lights off and VSA ON press the VSA button again, or it'll automatically return to default mode (VSA ON) when you turn the car off.

It also appears that if the VSA has been fully disabled as described above and then enabled by pressing the VSA button, it cannot be fully disabled again until the car is turned off.

Bad thing is you need to do the procedure every time you start the car, which increases the time to get driving like 70's diesels with slow glow plugs.

I tested it and found that having the VSA completely disabled really makes the difference. I drove a ramp turning out of the highway accelerating 2nd gear with full throttle. First round with VSA OFF just from button, the car made a significant slowdown when the inner wheel begun to loose traction. Second round with the VSA fully disabled the inner wheel started to spin for a while, but the acceleration remained smooth. Latter is better in my mind.

For sure many or even most Fit/Jazz drivers are happy with all the assistance systems on, or happy with more tolerable setting achieved by using VSA OFF button. But there are certainly people like me who want and/or need to get these interfering systems completely off, to prevent any interference to driving. Some people want to have fun on track or backroads, some others need to get all in when pushing uphill through snow or slush, where any means to slow down any wheel or engine may lead to not getting there.


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