Author Topic: Rattling noise/sound, seems like it is coming from engine room, Crosstar 2024  (Read 610 times)


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I some situation on idle when engine running, hot or cold engine doesn't matter. Parking position seems to matter. When parked outside my home I park in a slightly uphill slope, can't hear anything then usually

Parking on flat: sometime ratting, intermittent, few second ratting, then few second no rattling.. (engine running), Most of the time (90% +) no ratting

Had recently one year service. Told them, but as there's ratting only some times, they could not find anything

A few days ago I was parked on a flat surface, in P and with brake. Ratting clearly could heard for several minutes. No vibration, just the sound. When driving, no rattling. Only when stopped and idle with engine running

See and hear in video:


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sounds like: timing chain..
You can take  along piece of steel, place it on the engine and listen  , Then move it to another place identify sources.
A long handled screwdriver is ideal.. TAKE CARE round wiring and moving parts .Potentially dangerous: high voltages and moving parts


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I found on my eHEV HR-V (same system) it occasionally mad an intermittent rattle that came and went.
It is apparently something to do with the charging system when the hybrid battery is charging.
If you are still worried, I would go to your Honda dealer.
Dip Mech Eng (automotive)


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 "It is apparently something to do with the charging system when the hybrid battery is charging"

Makes sense. When I heard the noise for several minutes (a least 5 minutes) i noticed that car was charging from 3 bars up to 8 or 9 bars.

I remember I found it strange that the engine was running so long in idle. Usually, at least during the summer, when heating is off, the car shift to EV mode if battery is over 3-4 bars when parked

Googling "charging hybrid battery rattling sound" seems to idicate that this has something to do with charging the hybdrid battery

Not really worried, With 5 years warranty ( 4 years left) I trust the dealer will take responibilty if this is a serous error
« Last Edit: October 02, 2024, 12:34:32 PM by Bjorn »


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Pretty sure E:HEV doesn't use a timing chain.


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I'm pretty sure you are wrong...
If nothing goes right, go left!


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I know it has a timing chain, one of the things I checked before I brought one, had it been belt their would
have been no purchase. mine makes the noise it is to do with the charging system.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2024, 10:55:23 PM by JB »


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Mine only sounds a bit rattly on first start up.. almost like the diesel engine rattle. Only lasts a few seconds, then its as quiet as a mouse. The demo I had pre purchase did exactly the same. Cold engine probably.


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In the eCVT there are two oil pumps the rattle is from oil starvation on start up. Noise from one of the pumps on pickup. This happens on mine within the first month of ownership and resulted in the car being rejected in the first 30 days. It took Honda technical ages to admit that there was an issue.


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In the eCVT there are two oil pumps the rattle is from oil starvation on start up. Noise from one of the pumps on pickup. This happens on mine within the first month of ownership and resulted in the car being rejected in the first 30 days. It took Honda technical ages to admit that there was an issue.

When you say 'issue', it sounds like you mean there is a problem... are you implying that there may be a possibility of an 'issue' further down the line and age of the car?


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  • My Honda: 2021 Jazz Crosstar
In the eCVT there are two oil pumps the rattle is from oil starvation on start up. Noise from one of the pumps on pickup. This happens on mine within the first month of ownership and it resulted in the car being rejected in the first 30 days. It took Honda technical ages to admit that there was an issue.

When you say 'issue', it sounds like you mean there is a problem... are you implying that there may be a possibility of an 'issue' further down the line and age of the car?

I’m just saying what happened with mine when it was brand new.
But wouldn’t be surprised if there are problems now.


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Bjorn, never heard that rattle on my car. Get your dealer to check it, diagnose and if still worried, reject the car  :o


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