My Crosstar's original wheels have these specs:
PCD: 4x100
Center bore diameter: 56.1 mm
Wheel size: 6.0x16 inch
ET: 45 mm
Lug nut seat type: R12 ball shape (This one is only important if you want to use the same lug nuts that came with your Crosstar.)
Although not officially approved by Honda, I bought 15 inch winter wheels for my Crosstar. That way I could fit winter tyres with a taller sidewall, such as 185/65R15, or 195/65R15. Specs of my winter wheels:
PCD: 4x100
Center bore diameter: 56.1 mm
Wheel size: 5.5x15 inch
ET: 45 mm
Lug nut seat type: R12 ball shape
Brand: Etabeta
Model: Eros
Photo: also tried a 6.0x15 inch wheel on my Crosstar with these specs and it worked fine:
PCD: 4x100
Center bore diameter: 56.1 mm
Wheel size: 6.0x15 inch
ET: 50 mm
Lug nut seat type: R12 ball shape
Brand: Brock
Model: RC30
Link: course an aftermarket 6.0x16 size wheel should also fit, if you wish not to change the wheel size from the original, as long as its other specs match. For example Brock recommends this wheel for Crosstar: nordic winter tyres are not as easy to find in size 185/60R16, which is one reason why I went to 15 inch winter wheels.