Virtually all the lights on the Jazz are LED, which is great, except the reversing lights and rear indicators for some reason.
Has anyone fitted road legal replacements for these?
I would leave the direction indicators alone TBH, because of the lower current draw of LED you will either have to fit ballast resistors in parallel with the bulbs or buy the ones with built in resistor, which never draw enough current anyway as they would get too hot, you can get special electronic flasher relays where the flash rate is independent of load - but don't know about one for a jazz. The traditional flasher relay works on the current drawn by 2 x 21 watt bulbs ( about 3.5 amps ) to ensure correct flash rate, this means if a bulb blows and reduces current the indicators will flash a lot faster than normal, and so will the repeater on dash, this is your warning that all is not well - but I have to say in all the years I have been driving I can hardly remember replacing a direction indicator bulb, they seem to last for ever... I did buy a couple of Osram reversing LED bulbs for our cars will try to post a link.