My apologies for continually banging on but in my experience, whilst the dealers might be having a hard time, the service they give to a customer actually reaps benefit if it is good. In my experience paying a premium price for a 4yr old secondhand car should ensure the car is top notch. Brakes which they did do,after being prodded, brake fluid not changed knowing it was well over its 3 yrs. I have been told these were gestures of good will. Fixings missing from the front bumper where it is fixed above the slam panel. Masking tape still stuck under the bonnet. Paint peeling after 3 mths ( we can sell you a touching in pen). What price the 2 yr warranty? Yes I know it's manufacturing defects but the paint is a poor repair which the dealer admitted, so shouldn't this have some warranty?
All things that should have been seen and done prior to sale. Even if they didn't want to do the jobs until they knew it was sold there is absolutely no excuse for this. They argued about the air filter which was filthy and full of insects. I replaced it. The tyre gunge was out of date. None of this was expensive except the brakes. I am still suspicious of the MOT being 4 mths old when I bought the car, I suspect the brake business was a try on.
Then you try asking Honda UK for advice. Two ignored Emails and no reply to my last letter. All started over me asking them a technical question about the Cruise Control that Customer Services turned into a complaint. Which it wasn't. Perhaps if Customer Services?

? read letters and took on board problems Honda might just recover some of it's Kudos.
A flash showroom with free coffees is NO substitute for customer satisfaction.
Perhaps my experience is unusual.